Blanchester Local Schools Alumni Association

Welcome to the Blanchester Local Schools Alumni Association

In August 2024, the Blanchester Alumni Association and the Blanchester Schools Foundation made a joint decision to sever their fiscal relationship. The Blanchester Local Schools Alumni Association is no longer under the umbrella of the Blanchester Schools Foundation. 

We are still partners in our commitment and support to Blanchester Local Schools, its students, and its alumni. 

Please direct any Alumni-related questions to or call Ida Sells Miller (President) at 937-725-9185.

Go Wildcats!!

Contact Us
Contact us at

PO Box 222
Blanchester, OH  45107

Ida Sells Miller (President) 937-725-9185

Alumni Officers


Ida Sells Miller
Class of 1981

Vice President

Diana Miller
Class of 1980



Wendy Priest Daugherty
Class of 1990


Barb White Davis
Class of 1981